Защо да изберете GUARDIAN?

Нашата сила

Abundant global procurement channels and customer resources, differentiated price advantages. In-depth cooperation with original factories such as NXP/ST/INFINEON, and has exclusive supply resources of automotive, industrial and other product lines. Cooperate with global agents of Arrow/ AVNET/ WPI/ WT to make in-depth cooperation in the whole area and multiple dimensions, allocate their global inventory resources.

Нашата скорост на доставка

Fast and timely delivery ability to satisfy customer production and delivery. 2 hours quick quote response 2-7 days for timely delivery of actions Timely after-sales feedback

Нашите професионални способности

Professional quality control and service mechanism: Ensure the quality of delivered materials. Professional supplier introduction mechanism and strict supplier qualification assessment mechanism. Professional incoming inspection mechanism. In-depth cooperation with professional third-party testing institutions.

Нашият екип

Positive Guardian/Taitao team: Consistently efficient and dynamic. The senior leadership team has over 20 years of rich experience, offering customers professional information integration resources. Young sales team always maintains a passionate state to provide customers with more efficient and high-quality services.

Имаме най-добрите решения за вашия бизнес

 Guardian International Electronics Co., Ltd./Shenzhen Taitao Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. се намира в Шенжен, провинция Гуандун, Китай. fpga чипове износители, Това е доставчик на услуги за доставка на чипове fpgas, доставчик на услуги за верига за доставки на чипове от автомобилен клас, интегриращ агенция и дистрибуция.
 Ние се ангажираме да предоставяме решения за електронни компоненти за световни производители на автомобилни електронни продукти, това включва нови енергийни, комуникационни, медицински, индустриални и други области. 

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Какво казват потребителите за GUARDIAN

Отношението към обслужването не е лошо, задоволително сътрудничество.


Лично аз считам, че е много добър и предложеното предложение е много подходящо и ще продължи да си сътрудничи.


Доставката беше бърза, много добра.


След като видим тази сила, ние винаги ще си сътрудничим като първи избор.


Имате ли въпроси?

Коя компания произвежда полупроводници за автомобили?

Основните производители на автомобилни полупроводници включват Renesas Electronics Corp. (Япония), Infineon Technologies AG (Германия), STMicroelectronics NV (Швейцария) и NXP Semiconductors N.V (Холандия). Системните интегратори включват Texas Instruments, Inc. (САЩ), Denso Corp.

Колко полупроводника има в колата?

Производителите на автомобили увеличават количеството технологии в своите превозни средства, а това означава по-голямо използване на полупроводникови чипове. Автомобилите могат да имат до 4,000 чипа вътре, премиум превозни средства, включващи повече от бюджетни автомобили.

Всички автомобили имат ли полупроводникови чипове?

Всички нови автомобили са построени с множество микрочипове на борда, за да контролират всичко - от прозоречни двигатели до навигационни системи, а автомобилната индустрия беше силно засегната, тъй като недостигът на чипове доведе до забавяне на производството.

Нашите актуализации и публикации в блога

15 декември

Десетилетието на полупроводниците: индустрия за трилиони долари

The global semiconductor industry is poised for a decade of growth and is projected to become a trillion-dollar industry by 2030. The semiconductor industry, which makes vital components for the technologies we all depend on, hit the headlines over the past year. And it wasn’t all good news. Supply shortages led to bottlenecks in the production of everything from cars to computers and highlighted how tiny chips are critical to the smooth functioning of the global economy. In many ways, our world is “built” on semiconductors. With chip demand set to rise over the coming decade, semiconductor manufacturing and design companies would benefit now from a deep analysis of where the market is headed and what will drive demand over the long term. As the impact of digital on lives and businesses has accelerated, semiconductor markets have boomed, with sales growing by more than 20 percent to about $600 billion in 2021. McKinsey analysis based on a range of macroeconomic assumptions suggests the industry’s aggregate annual growth could average from 6 to 8 percent a year up to 2030. The result? A $1 trillion dollar industry by the end of the decade, assuming average price increases of about 2 percent a year and a return to balanced supply and demand after current volatility. Amid megatrends that include remote working, the growth of AI, and soaring demand for electric vehicles, manufacturers and designers should now take stock and ensure they are best placed to reap the rewards. Assuming EBITA margins of 25 to 30 percent, current equity valuations support average revenue growth of 6 to 10 percent up to 2030 across the industry, analysis of 48 listed companies shows. Still, some companies are better placed than others, and growth in individual subsegments could range from as little as 5 percent to as much as 15 percent (exhibit). Drilling down into individual subsegments, about 70 percent of growth is predicted to be driven by just three industries: automotive, computation and data storage, and wireless. The strongest-growing segment is likely to be automotive, where we could see a tripling of demand, fueled by applications such as autonomous driving and e-mobility. The 2030 cost of semiconductor content in a Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) Level 4 car with an electric drivetrain could be about $4,000 compared with $500 for an SAE Level 1 car powered by an internal-combustion engine. Accounting for just 8 percent of semiconductor demand in 2021, the automotive industry could represent from 13 to 15 percent of demand by the end of the decade. On that basis, the segment would be responsible for as much as 20 percent of industry expansion over the coming years. Growth of 4 to 6 percent in the computation and data-storage market could be fueled by demand for servers to support applications such as AI and cloud computing, the analysis shows. In the wireless segment, meanwhile, smartphones could account for the majority of expansion, amid a shift from lower-tier to mid-tier segments in emerging markets and backed by growth in 5G. What do these lessons mean for decision makers? Certainly, the outlook for the semiconductor industry looks bright, notwithstanding potential short-term volatility due to supply–demand mismatches, as well as a changing global economic and geopolitical outlook. With growth set to continue in the longer term, the task for industry leaders will be to focus strategically on R&D, factories, and sourcing, and to apply the lessons of the modeling to unlock areas of opportunity.

15 декември

Производителите на чипове за потребителски устройства виждат забавяне на продажбите

Chipmakers exposed to personal computers, consumer electronics and Android smartphones have noted weakening demand in their second-quarter earnings reports. Meanwhile, other semiconductor stocks have posted beat-and-raise reports on the strength of enterprise computing, industrial and automotive chip demand. In the past week, Advanced Micro Devices (AMD), Power Integrations (POWI), Qorvo (QRVO), SiTime (SITM), Skyworks Solutions (SWKS) and Synaptics (SYNA) lowered their revenue outlooks for the third and fourth quarters based on softening consumer device sales. And last week, Intel (INTC) and Qualcomm (QCOM) cut their guidance for the same reason. Slowing sales of personal computers and Android smartphones were well understood heading into the second-quarter earnings season. However, continued strong sales of Apple (AAPL) iPhones helped to offset the slowdown for chipmakers such as Skyworks and Cirrus Logic (CRUS). Qorvo Hit By Weak Chinese Smartphone Sales Wireless-chip maker Qorvo has been hurt by declining sales of Chinese Android smartphones, including those from Oppo, Vivo and Xiaomi. Qorvo faces a "massive headwind" as Chinese smartphone makers work down large inventories of components, Needham semiconductor stocks analyst Rajvindra Gill said in a note to clients. "They now expect December to be the bottom for the Android market following aggressive inventory burns," Gill said. The weakness is in low and midrange Android handsets, not premium devices, he said. Some Semiconductor Stocks Doing Well Chipmakers with greater exposure to cloud computing, industrial and automotive chip markets have outperformed this earnings season. Semiconductor stocks in that camp include Lattice Semiconductor (LSCC), Microchip Technology (MCHP), Monolithic Power Systems (MPWR) and Rambus (RMBS). Those companies have delivered beat-and-raise quarterly reports this earnings season. Semiconductor stocks overall have perked up lately. IBD's semiconductor manufacturing group currently ranks No. 76 out of 197 industry groups that IBD tracks. Six weeks ago, it ranked No. 134. IBD's fabless semiconductor industry group ranks No. 94, up from No. 166 six weeks ago. Meanwhile, the Philadelphia semiconductor index, known as SOX, is down 22.6% year to date, vs. a drop of 13% for the S&P 500. The SOX includes the 30 largest semiconductor stocks traded in the U.S.

15 декември

Сроковете за изпълнение на автомобилните полупроводници все още не се подобряват

Semiconductor availability continues to be challenging. The lead times for the automotive microcontrollers (or MCUs) that a year ago captured everyone's attention have improved slightly since February. However, analog chip lead times remain consistently elevated at nearly 4x the long-term average, close to peak levels within the context of the current semiconductor shortage. We believe analog supply will continue to cause difficulties within the automotive supply chain. The S&P Global Mobility automotive semiconductor lead time analysis and other resources are available to subscribers to our E/E and Semi module within AutoTechInsight.

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