"Chip" represents the original semiconductor product, which is what we often call an integrated circuit. If the mobile phone chip is the "brain" of this mobile phone, then the car chip is equivalent to the brain of the car. Among them, automotive chips can be mainly divided into three categories: "functional chips", "power semiconductors" and "sensors".
1. The function chip (MCU) is also called "micro control unit". If the electronic control system, infotainment system, powertrain system, vehicle motion system and other system functions in the car want to run normally, they all need to use This type of functional chip can be realized, and the most popular "automatic driving system" is also inseparable from functional chips.
2. Power semiconductors are mainly used in automotive power control systems, lighting systems, fuel injection, chassis safety and other systems. Traditional fuel vehicles generally use them in fields such as start-up, power generation, and safety; new energy vehicles require a large number of power semiconductors. To realize the frequent voltage conversion requirements of vehicles, in addition, the support of power semiconductors is indispensable in many parts of electric vehicles.
3. The car sensor is the input device of the car computer system. Its function is to convert the information of various working conditions in the running of the car, such as the speed of the car, the temperature of various media, the operating conditions of the engine, etc., into electrical signals and send them to the computer, so that The car is in top working condition. Such as oxygen sensor, tire pressure sensor, water temperature sensor, electronic accelerator pedal position sensor and so on.